horrible_protag Jun 14, 2010 23:36
rumblelina, hidesinrestroom, hypocrite, post-curse, couldn't resist the pun, public service announcement, caughtthebullet, damn you city!, listen to me i'm right, i'm a superhero, disregard_death, under the sea, pain, conductyourself, one word essays, horrible_penny, get it? wet?, i'm a shaaaaaark
horrible_protag Aug 28, 2009 00:21
drama queen, how much of this has been faked?, post-curse, in ur city rescuin ur princesses, doctor horrible, damn you city!, held this in for too long, my best enemy, venomouselle, raging, genre switch, penny, plots gone wrong, horrible_penny, straw that broke the idiot's back, reginagloriae